
(Nr. MVK970.0008)

A perfect trio when it comes to polishing!

Perfect for all ceramic materials, zirconium oxide, non-precious alloys or titanium.

Three polishing stages:

1. pre-polishing (green)

2. slightly smoothing polish (blue)

3. high gloss polish (yellow)

   ...ensure a perfect finish!


  • Optimal three-step polish

Technische Daten

HP  ⌀ 2,35 mm

PolisherSize Grinding material Rotational speed opt. / max. Head length Grain size
PR344KR-HPK060Diamond grain, rubber bond10.000 rpm / 15.000 rpm17,2 mmRough
PR3044KR-HPK060Diamond grain, rubber bond7.500 rpm / 15.000 rpm17,2 mmMedium
PR30044KR-HPK060Diamond grain, rubber bond5.000 rpm / 10.000 rpm17,2 mmFine


  • 3 x polisher
  • Storage box

Advantages Technical specifications Scope of delivery Data sheet
Technical specifications
Scope of delivery
Data sheet

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HERE Get in touch with us:

MVK-line GmbH

Degerser Straße 28
30974 Wennigsen


Phone:+49 5103 - 70499-0

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